The embrACE jax play therapy internship program provides community-based, on-site services for children experiencing high levels of adversity. We currently have graduate student interns from Jacksonville University and the University of North Florida providing play therapy for children in need of services at multiple Duval County Head Start locations.

current interns



    Donatella received her undergraduate degree in psychology from Waldorf University in 2022. She graduated summa cum laude with a minor in criminal justice. Donatella is currently enrolled in the clinical mental health counseling graduate program and the newly founded play therapy certificate program at Jacksonville University.

    As a life-long military dependent, Donatella has lived all over the United States and has now put down roots in Jacksonville, FL. Donatella’s interests include painting, reading, spending time with her family and animals, and everything play therapy!

    She chose play therapy as her treatment modality because she believes in preventative care and building resiliency. The playroom is one of the few places where a child will be accepted wholly and unconditionally. The therapeutic relationship is special in the sense that it is one of the only relationships where an adult will not rush the child to grow and reach their standards of communication. Instead, the adult will meet the child where they are.

    Before each workday, she reflects on the quote:

    “To grow up to be healthy, very young children do not need to know how to read, but they do need to know how to play.” -Fred Rogers


    Danielle received her undergraduate degree in psychology from Saint Leo University. She is currently completing her degree in Clinical Mental Heath Counseling as well as a Graduate Certificate in Play Therapy at Jacksonville University.

    Danielle is a mother of two and before returning to school, she was a preschool teacher for several years. While she has always been passionate about working with children, these experiences proved to be invaluable as they taught her the true power of play. They inspired her very way of being. They taught her to listen with not only her ears but her eyes as well. They taught her to see with her heart.

    Danielle believes this way of being teaches you to respect the unique spirit of each child and that is the essence of Play Therapy.


    Gilberto received his undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Criminal Justice from the University of North Florida in 2021. He is currently a graduate student at UNF getting a Master's Degree in Social Work. Gilberto was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida but his family is from Mexico.

    Gilberto enjoys playing and watching sports, especially the Jaguars. He has four dogs - three Huskies and one Pitbull. Gilberto discovered his passion for working with children while employed at the Sanctuary on 8th Street. He chose embrACE Jax so he could learn to incorporate play therapy into his work with children.


    Alexis received her undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy from Cabrini University in 2022. She is currently pursuing her masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling as well as a Graduate Certificate in Play Therapy at Jacksonville University.

    As a blossoming play therapist, Alexis has always been passionate about working with children and has an innate ability to meet them where they are. She strives to create a safe, playful environment for kids to truly be their own unique, authentic selves. Alexis believes that by engaging in the creative process and therapeutic play that a child’s innate language can be better understood.

    “Enter into children’s play and you will find the place where their minds, hearts, and souls meet.” - Virgina Axline


    Olivia is a Jacksonville University Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master's student. She is also enrolled in the Play Therapy Certificate Program at Jacksonville University. Olivia holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

    Olivia is passionate about mental health counseling and play therapy. “After graduation from the program, I plan to pursue both my Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensure and become a registered play therapist. My goal is to positively impact child development through unconditional positive regard, empathetic understanding, therapeutic relationship, and accepting the child as they are.”

    “I also am working to provide culturally responsive techniques that create an environment in which the child can learn about themselves, explore emotions, and process inner experiences and feelings to promote positive change. I am committed to continuous improvement and learning, as well as contributing to team success.”


  • Victor Anderson

    Victor received his undergraduate degree from Jacksonville University in Social Sciences and continues his education as a graduate student at Jacksonville University studying clinical mental health counseling.

    A prior Navy Medic and now mental health case worker Victor believes that “Play is the forgotten tongue of the adult.” It us communicate on a much simpler level and without judgment of the child, allowing for open and honest free expression. In play therapy the child speaks while we listen with open ears, hearts, and minds as they direct us through their orchestrated eyes and minds.

  • Cristhal Escobar

    Cristhal received her undergraduate degree in Child Psychology from the University of North Florida with a minor in Social Welfare in 2020 and continued to her current social work graduate program.

    Cristhal was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL. She has a background in Child Welfare and Social Welfare. Her interests include reading, hiking, and spending time with her friends and family. She chose play therapy as her treatment modality because she believes in preventative care.

    Cristhal is passionate about working with children in order to practice early intervention. “Play is the best form of communication for children, it’s their language!”

  • Trishana Sheffield

    Trishana received her undergraduate degree in psychology with a concentration in child psychology from the University of North Florida in 2020.

    Trishana is currently pursuing her masters in clinical mental health counseling at Jacksonville University and is in her final stretch. Before her schooling, Trishana served five years in the Navy, which brought her to Jacksonville.

    As a budding play therapist, Trishana enjoys creating a reprieve or safe space for children to be entirely accepted and expressive. Trishana is currently providing play therapy counseling, under supervision, to children enrolled in Duval Head Start. Trishana also enjoys collaborating with parents/caregivers to increase the effectiveness of their child’s outcome.

    As a mother, Trishana has had the opportunity to experience the effectiveness of play therapy and how it can improve a child’s emotional and behavioral development. In her spare time, Trishana enjoys her son’s baseball games, hosting playdates for him, Saturday afternoon football games, and creating meals as a family.

  • Oliver Edwards

    Oliver received his undergraduate degree in psychology with a minor in composite of natural science from East Carolina University. Originally from North Carolina, Oliver is enrolled in a graduate program at Jacksonville University where he is studying clinical mental health counseling. Oliver enjoys cooking a wide range of dishes and loves listening to music. Oliver knew he wanted to serve children and families after years spent volunteering with children on the spectrum in little league.

    Oliver loves play therapy because it is one of the only treatment modalities that allow children to express their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors with a licensed counselor who is trained to understand them. As a child, it is difficult if not near impossible to communicate feelings and emotions in a way that adults will understand. Through play therapy, children have the freedom to express themselves as the person they truly are and be in a space where they are not only being heard, but know within that 50 minute session they are the center of attention. Sometimes that’s all a child needs, is to know they are being heard and have the undivided attention of the adults around them.

Join the team


  • Accepting applications for 2024-2025 school year.

  • Must be enrolled in a mental health graduate program.

  • Internship opportunities for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

    Email letter of interest and resume to